Gladiolus derived from the Latin word “gladius” which means sword, you can understand the reason how it got its name just through how it visually looks. Generating an abundance of large and striking flowers on one stem, gladioli area successful showstopper. There are many connotations behind this flower, generally symbolising honesty and faithfulness, but they can also signify strong moral values and integrity.

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As we sell what mother earth provides us, a naturally occurring product there might be some variations in look. We make every effort to source the exact ingredients, but occasionally our blooms team may require substituting a flower(pictured above) with a similar bloom to the same or more monetary value, colour and style.

Gladioli flowers are delivered as closed buds and will open over the course of a few days.  If you would like them to bloom faster, tepid water and natural daylight will accelerate their opening.

Please follow the simple instruction above.