Tansy is a native, continuing associate of the daisy family.Misleadingly the daisy appears to be one bloom, it is in fact a tight head of tiny yellow flowers known as the floral disc surrounded by white petal like structures called ray florets. They symbolise protection,health,resistance and immortality.

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As we sell what mother earth provides us, a naturally occurring product there might be some variations in look. We make every effort to source the exact ingredients, but occasionally our blooms team may require substituting a flower(pictured above) with a similar bloom to the same or more monetary value, colour and style.

1. Clean your vase to prevent bacteria, 2. Fill 1/3 of vase with Lukewarm water, 3. Remove any leaves that would be under the waterline, preventing the growth of bacteria, 4. Cut 2-3cm off each stem every few days allowing the flower to absorb the maximum water necessary, 5. Keep away from draughts, direct sunlight, heating or any extreme temperatures, 6. Change the water when it becomes discoloured and top up when needed, 7. Within time, remove the wilting flowers to prevent mould from building.