Although they take the name from the classic lily, they are not true lilies despite what the name suggests.The word Calla derivates from the Greek word beauty. Calla Lily symbolizes magnificence and beauty for a reason. This exceptional flower forms an architectural trumpet like shaped making it a natural masterpiece. Obtainable throughout the year with a wonderful array of colours associated with love, beauty and purity.

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As we sell what mother earth provides us, a naturally occurring product there might be some variations in look. We make every effort to source the exact ingredients, but occasionally our blooms team may require substituting a flower(pictured above) with a similar bloom to the same or more monetary value, colour and style.

Calla Lilies have soft stems therefore please be gentle with them when arranging as they easily damage and break. They should be cut straight across the stem as opposed to a 45° angle. Over time the Callas might curl at the stem, when you see this make sure they are freshly cut to ensure they stay fresher for longer.

Place them in shallow water, as opposed to deep water as their hollow stems rot if so. However please do keep checking on the water level as they are thirsty flowers.